Livraison locale gratuite à Montréal, Laval et Rive‑Nord sur commande de 35$ et +
et partout au Québec sur commande de 100$ et +


A mom of 3 adorable boys, who were suffering from various skin rashes from harsh products. Fed up of seeing them suffer from commercial soaps, I decided to make my own soap for the family.

When I discovered the pleasure of making my own products, I decided to offer them to other families so they can benefit from handmade natural soaps.

My background in Chemistry comes in handy when studying different compositions of fatty acids and understanding their reactions with other molecules, and more importantly, on your skin!

The word Paddhawan is a term of endearment for young learners, i.e., my boys. Hence, Paddhawan Suds was born!

Our logo has three ‘A’s with bubbles on each of them… they represent our boys.

I hope you enjoy my products as much as I enjoy making them!